Puneet Kaushik

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Puneet Kaushik, 42. Uses wire mesh, beads, textiles and paper to capture the essence of human fragility. Photograph by Chandradeeep Kumar, Picture courtesy: India Today

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A profile

India Today

Georgina Maddox

February 5, 2015

Even in the swarm of the fair, one could not have missed the prolific Puneet Kaushik who has two booths-at Gallery Beyond, Mumbai, and Gallery Espace, Delhi. He crosses the worlds of art and textiles like a blithe acrobat. Creating art out of wire mesh, beads, textiles and paper, he captures the spirit of human fragility. He focuses on skin, gossamer-like outer coverings, and his work is often like delicate exoskeletons through which you see blood vessels and tissues, exposed in their wild beauty and inherent ephemerality.

Kaushik's artistic journey began from Jamia Millia Islamia in Delhi to the University of California, Berkeley, where he studied mixed-media art. He has showcased his work across the globe. His art, from the robust, sculptural wiremesh works to delicate paperwork stained with tea, hibiscus and natural materials, was well received at the fair.

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