Rajat Sharma

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Rajat Sharma

This is a collection of articles archived for the excellence of their content.

A profile

India Today

He is one of the few journalists to have regular access to PM Narendra Modi. His news show, “Aaj Ki Baat with Rajat Sharma”, is now seen by critics as the unofficial bulletin of the Modi Government.

His signature show Aap Ki Adalat, in which he has quizzed over 750 celebrities with his subtle-yet-pointed questions, has been on air for 21 years, making it one of the most successful TV shows.

He is the new president of the News Broadcasters Association as well as vice-president of strategic affairs of the Indian Broadcasting Foundation. He had predicted Modi's sweep in Uttar Pradesh almost a year before the 2014 Lok Sabha elections, at a time when no other pundit expected it.

Dress to impress

He has a passion for Canali suits and owns one of the largest collections in India

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