Ram Talao

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Note: National, provincial and district boundaries have changed considerably since 1908. Typically, old states, ‘divisions’ and districts have been broken into smaller units, and many tahsils upgraded to districts. Some units have since been renamed. Therefore, this article is being posted mainly for its historical value.

Ram Talao

(or Sunabdev). Hot springs in the Shahada taluka of West Khandesh District, Bombay, 4 miles west of Unabdev, in a narrow gorge formed by two low projecting spurs of the Satpura Hills, and evidently supplied from the same source as Unabdev In the woodland, 2 miles from the village of Wardi, close to Sunabdev, are traces of a large weir of great thicknebb and stiength, which used to dam the hot water and form the Ram Talao. The water wells from the ground in one or two places at a temperature of about 90, and seems to have no healing power.

The bricks of the embankment are very large and strong, about a foot and a half long and from 2 to 4 inches thick. It is said that a Musalman, in the pay of the owner of the village, who was in charge of Wardi, used the bricks in building a step-well. But from the day the well was opened a curse from the offended deity of the spring fell on the villagers. They were stricken with guinea-worm and fled from the village After a time the village was again peopled, and the bricks were used in building a village office or chavdL No sooner was the office finished than the curse returned. Fever and dysentery broke out, and in two years the village was once more empty and has never since been inhabited. The new village of Wardi lies outside the walls of the old village, where it is believed the offended deity of the pond still angrily guards what is left of his ancient bricks.

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