River basins: India

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The river basins of India

The Times of India, September 22, 2015

The river basins of India: Per capita water availability, population served ; Graphic courtesy: The Times of India, September 22, 2015

Historically, civilisations developed on the banks of rivers and even today it is important to understand the characteristics of rivers as well as the area supported by them for various planning and developmental processes.A systematic description of Indian river basins, the basic hydrological unit around a river -land, rainfall, runoff drain and so on -was first attempted in 1949 by the Central Water and Power Corporation.Various agencies use different criteria in dividing the country by river basins. The division is important for planning and development of the country's surface water resources. It is generally agreed that there are 12 major river basins in India.The largest is the GangaBrahmaputra-Meghna, which has the highest catchment area and supports about 46% of the population living in river 17 basins. It is followed by the Krishna, Godavari and Indus basins in terms of size

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