Rupar Town

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Note: National, provincial and district boundaries have changed considerably since 1908. Typically, old states, ‘divisions’ and districts have been broken into smaller units, and many tahsils upgraded to districts. Some units have since been renamed. Therefore, this article is being posted mainly for its historical value.

Rupar Town

Head-quarters of the subdivision and tahsil of the same name in Ambala District, Punjab, situated m 30 58' N. and 76 32' E., at the point where the Sutlej issues from the hills. Popula- tion (1901), 8,888. It is a town of considerable antiquity, originally called Rupnagar after its founder, Raja Rup Chand. It was occupied about 1763 by Hari Singh, a Sikh chieftain, who seized upon a wide tract south of the Sutlej, stretching along the foot of the Himalayas. In 1792 he divided his estates between his two sons, Charrat Singh and Dewa Singh, the former of whom obtained Rupar. The estates were confiscated in 1846, in consequence of the part taken by the family during the Sikh War of the preceding year. The head-works of the Sirhind Canal are situated here, and the town is an important mart of exchange between the hills and the plains Salt is imported from the Khewra mines and re-exported to the hills, in return for iron, ginger, potatoes, turmeric, opium, and charas. Cotton twill (siisi) is largely manufactured, and the smiths of Rupar have a reputation for locks and other small articles of iron. Rupar was the scene of the celebrated meeting between Lord William Bentmck and Ranjlt Singh in 1831, There are two important religious fairs, one Hindu, one Muhammadan. The municipality was created in 1867. The income during the ten years ending 19023 averaged Rs. 12,100, and the expenditure Rs. 11,400. In 1903-4 the income was Rs 14,500, chiefly from octroi; and the expenditure was Rs. 16,900. There are three Anglo-vernaculai middle schools and a dispensary.

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