Sadiqabad: Ahmedpur Lamma

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SADIQABAD: Ahmedpur Lamma

Fort wall caves in to official neglect


SADIQABAD, March 18: The western wall of historic Ahmedpur Lamma fortress caved in to the alleged negligence of the archaeology department on Monday night. A passer-by trapped under the debris of the wall died.

The historic fortress has been in shambles since long.

Its western wall -- 100 feet long, 15 feet wide and 25 feet high -- fell and Wair, alias Machar, passing by was buried under the debris. He died minutes after the locals rescued him from the debris.

Presently, Ahmedpur Lamma police station is also located in a portion of the fort. Sources say that in good days, the fortress wall was so broad that four horses could run on it at a time. Now, it seems the no governmental departmental is ready to take care of the historic monument.

The wall collapse also affected electricity supply wires plunging the town into darkness.

Some local contractors called cranes to clear the debris.

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