Sherlyn Chopra

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7 Controversies

MTV Editor | 7 Sherlyn Chopra Controversies That Shocked Bollywood | 19th June, 2015 MTV India

From winning the obscure Miss Andhra pageant to being called a ‘Bollywood legend’ by Playboy magazine, here’s a look at the controversies that dotted Sherlyn’s transition.

1. “I’ve slept with many for money in the past.”

In a country that is yet to come to terms with sexuality, Sherlyn raised eyebrows by brazenly commenting that she has indulged in paid sex in the past and not necessarily out of her free will. A zinger, if there ever was one.

2. The Bharat Ratna Claims

Given how picky and possessive Indians are over their Bharat Ratna recipients, it came as no huge surprise when public outcry followed Sherlyn’s announcement: “"I shud b given a Bharat Ratna award-d highest civilian award of d Republic India given 4 d highest degree of service 2 the nation. Seriously!" Umm, how about NO?

3. The Playboy Cover Scandal

And well, for what it matters, Sherlyn has gone above and beyond the call of duty in terms of her ‘service’ for the country: The sometimes-actress holds the distinction of having posed without a stitch on for the infamous magazine, Playboy.

4. The Hugh Hefner One Night Stand Rumours

Of course, she didn’t get there without incident. Rumours abounded that the actress had exchanged questionable favours with Playboy head honcho, Hugh Hefner himself to land the cover.

5. The Outrageous Vidya Balan Proposal

Just when things were starting to quieten down, the actress, who has in the past openly identified herself as more sexually attracted to women, declared: "I'd love to do a passionate scene with Vidya, I'm obsessed with her. If she's listening I want to tell her - Vidya, I can take better care of you than Siddharth.”

6. The Kamasutra 3D Fiasco

After setting the Internet ablaze with her decision to star in the steamy Kamasutra 3D, Sherlyn created an equally huge furore by backing out of the movie and filing an FIR against its director, Rupesh Paul over financial fraud.

7. The Plastic Surgery Rumours

In addition to her dubious list of achievements, Sherlyn also became the poster child of plastic surgery along the way. Allow [MTV] to let this before-and-after shot do the talking for us.

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