Tezpur Subdivision, 1908

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Note: National, provincial and district boundaries have changed considerably since 1908. Typically, old states, ‘divisions’ and districts have been broken into smaller units, units, and many tahsils upgraded to districts.Many units have since been renamed. Therefore, this article is being posted mainly for its historical value.

Tezpur Subdivision, 1908

Subdivision of Darrang District, Eastern Bengal and Assam, lying between 26° 31 and 27° o' N. and 92° 19' and 93° 47' E., with an area of 2,173 square miles. The sub- division consists of a narrow strip of land between the Brahmaputra and the Himalayas, a large portion of which is still uncultivated, the density in 1901 amounting to only 77 persons per square mile. The total population recorded at that Census was 166,733, or nearly 40 per cent, more than the figure for 1891, 119,490. This rapid increase is chiefly due to the tea industry, and more than a third of the population live on the plantations. The country a little to the north of Tezpur town is particularly suitable for the growth of tea; and in 1904 there were 61 gardens with 29,001 acres under plant, which gave employment to 71 Europeans and 38,814 natives. On the expiry of their agreements, many of the coolies settle down to cultiva- tion in the villages, and the subdivision has to a great extent been colonized by this agency. The foot of the hills is clothed with ever- green forest, nearly 300 square miles of which have been declared Government Reserves, but the trade in timber is at present incon- siderable. The average rainfall at Tezpur town is 73 inches in the year, while nearer the hills it is between 90 and roo inches. The subdivision contains one town, Tezpur (population, 5,047), the head-quarters of the District and subdivision ; and 492 villages. The assessment for land revenue and local rates in 1903-4 amounted to Rs. 3,81,000. Tezpur differs materially from Mangaldai, the other subdivision of Darrang ; for the last twenty years it has been healthy and progressive, while Mangaldai has steadily receded.

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