The Legion of Merit (USA)

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The Legion of Merit is the sixth highest American military honour. The award is given to services chiefs and officers for exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding services and achievements. The 'Legion of Merit' decoration is issued both to United States military personnel and to military and political figures of foreign governments.


Bangladeshi recipients

Brigadier General Sharif Uddin Ahmed 1990

Lieutenant General Hasan Mashhud Chowdhury 2005 (ex-Chief of Army Staff)

Indian recipients

i) Gen Rajendra Singhji Jadeja, the first Indian Chief of the Army Staff, 1946

ii) Field Marshal Kodandera Madappa Cariappa, 1950

iii) Gen Satyawant Mallana Srinagesh, 1955

iv) Admiral Jal Cursetji 1978

v) Gen Bikram Singh, 2013

Services chiefs (like all government servants, civil or defence) need to obtain the prior clearance of the government to receive foreign honours. Apparently, Gen Bikram Singh did not do so. The Times of India

Pakistani recipients

i) Admiral Shahid Karimullah 2004

ii) General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, 2009

iii) Admiral Noman Bashir, 2010

Sri Lankan recipients

Major General Milinda Peiris RWP, RSP, USP 2010

Air Chief Marshal Donald Perera VSV, USP, 1948

Other South Asian countries


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