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==The source of this article==
==The source of this section==
''' INDIA 2012 '''  
''' INDIA 2012 '''  
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==History And Geography==
Nagaland, the 16th State of the Indian Union, was established on 1 December 1963.
Nagaland, the 16th State of the Indian Union, was established on 1 December 1963.
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and ultimately the area was brought under British Administration. After
and ultimately the area was brought under British Administration. After
Independence this territory was made a centrally administered area in 1957
Independence this territory was made a centrally administered area in 1957
administered by the Governor of Assam. It was known as the Naga Hills Tuensang
Area. This failed to quell popular aspirations, and unrest began. Hence, in 1961, the
area was renamed as Nagaland and given the status of State of the Indian Union,
which was formally inaugurated on 1 December 1963.
=Nagaland: The Scheduled Tribes Census Of India 2001=
Nagaland is basically a land of agriculture. About 70 per cent of the population
[ Census]
depends on agriculture. The contribution of agricultural sector in the State is very
significant. Rice is the staple food. It occupies about 70 per cent of the total area
under cultivation and constitutes about 75 per cent of the total food production in
the state.
The major land use pattern is slash and burn cultivation locally known as Jhum.
The population of Nagaland in 2001 Census has been 1,99
Total cultivable areas is 7,21,924 hectare. Area under Jhum cultivation and terraced
0,036. Of these,
cultivation is about 1,01,400 hectare.
1,774,026 are Scheduled Tribes (STs) constituting 89.
1 per cent of the total
population of the state. The State has registered dec
adal growth of 67.2 per cent in
ST population in 1991-2001. Nagaland has five communit
ies notified as STs. These
are Garo, Kachari, Kuki, Mikir, and Naga.  
Out of the total land area, forest area occupies approximately 8,62,930 ha.
2. Naga is a generic name for several groups, each ha
There are wild life sanctuaries and national parks, namely, Intanki and Puliebadze
ving distinct identity. In
in Kohima District, Fakim in Tuensang and Rangapahar in Dimapur.
1971 Census, figures of sixteen Naga sub-tribes were
given separately for the first
time. They were: (i) Angami, (ii) Ao, (iii) Chakhesa
ng, (iv) Chang, (v) Chirr, (vi)
Khiemnungan, (vii) Konyak, (viii) Lotha, (ix) Makware,
(x) Phom, (xi) Rengma,
(xii) Sangtam, (xiii) Sema, (xiv) Tikhir, (xv) Yimc
hungre, and (xvi) Zeliang.  
Subsequently, in 1991 Census, Pochury Naga was added
and their number shown
separately. In 2001 Census, no population of Makware
has been returned. Instead,
sizeable population has returned either as ‘Naga’ or
as sub-tribes other than the
seventeen Naga sub-tribes hitherto published in Census.
These have been thus
separately grouped under ‘Naga’ and ‘Unclassified Nag
as’ respectively. Total
Naga population in the state thus includes population of
all Naga sub-tribes as
well as ‘Naga’ and ‘Unclassified Nagas’ (Statement-1)
The State's installed generation capacity is 27.84 MW only from Small Hydro Electric
Power Projects against the State's requirement of 95 MW. The State's main source of
States and Union Territories 1285
power is from the Central Sector Power allocation. The total number of consumers
is 1,70,000 (approximately) 90% of which is domestic.
The projected demand by the end of the 11th Plan for industrialisation, economic
==Population: Size and Distribution==
development and growth in the State is 200 MW from the existing level of 95 MW.
3. Of the five communities notified as STs in Nagala
Further, by the end of 12th Plan and 2020 the Department is forcasting load growth
nd, the Naga constitutes
of 300 MW and 500 MW respectively. The need to focus on the exploration and
98.2 per cent. Sema, Konyak, Ao, Lotha, Chakhesang, Angam
harnessing different sources of energy in the State is of utmost importance. The
i, Phom, etc. are
State has therefore identified to take up various Small Potential Hydro Projects.
major Naga sub-tribes, each having more than one lakh
population as per 2001
Census. Kuki is the second largest ST having only 1.1
per cent of the state’s total
ST population. Kachari and Garo account for less than one
per cent. Mikir is the  
smallest among STs in the state; only 106 persons of  
Mikir have been returned at
2001 Census.  
4. Majority of the ST population (87%) lives in rura
l areas. Of the seventeen
Naga sub-tribes, Lotha, Ao, Angami, and Chang, each h
ave more than 16 per cent
urban residents. On the other hand, Tikhir, Phom, Pochury
, and Zeliang are
having less than 5 per cent urban population. Lotha is
the most urbanized tribe
with 28.8 per cent urban population, while Tikhir is
the least urbanized (0.6%).
The State has so far been constructing minor irrigations to divert small hill streams
==Sex Ratio==
to the valleys and terraced fields for rice cultivation covering an area of 82,150
5. As per 2001 Census, sex ratio of total ST popula
hectare. Under the NEC Programme the State is implementing Themezie M.I. Project
tion is 943. Among the
at Chiechama Village under Kohima District. The State has also proposed Dziidza
Naga sub-tribes, females outnumbered males in Angami
Medium Irrigation Project which is under consideration by the Ministry of Water
(1004). Besides, nine (9)
Resources (Gol) for funding under AIBP Scheme.
other tribes have sex ratio above 950. Among the sub-
groups of Naga having
more than one lakh population in 2001, Phom has recorded
low sex ratio of 891.  
6. Child sex ratio (0-6 age group) of tribal popul
ation of the state is 969 and 18
tribes including Naga sub-tribes have recorded 950 or
above child sex ratio. Tikhir
has recorded very low child sex ratio of 831.
The State of Nagaland is connected to the rest of the country with Airport and
==Literacy and Educational level==
Railway stations at Dimapur and National Highway 19 which passes through the
State from Dimapur via Kohima to Manipur. This NH 39 is soon to be an international
route under the Look East Policy of the Government of India. The rest of the State of
Nagaland is connected only with roads covering about 23,466 km, these include the
NH 61 and State highways. The State is also inter-connected with postal services in
all district Hqrs, Telephone line and mobile services.
7. As per 2001 Census, 66 per cent of the total ST p
opulation is literate, with
male and female literacy at 70.3 and 61.3 per cent re
spectively. The percentage of
literates among Naga is 65.8 per cent. Wide dispari
ty is discerned among the
seventeen Naga sub-tribes. For example, Ao is at the
top with literacy rate of 85.9
per cent, while Konyak is at the bottom with literacy
rate of 40.2 per cent.
With the opening of the State is to international tourist by relaxation of Restricted
8. Among the ST literates, 23.5 per cent are either w
Area Permit (RAP), a good number of foreign tourists as well as domestic tourists
ithout educational level
visit Nagaland every year.
or have below primary level education. Primary level
of literates account for 28
per cent while 15 per cent have attained Matric/ Seconda
ry level education.
9. 68.3 per cent of the ST population in the age group
5-14 has been attending
educational institutes in 2001 Census. Four tribes namel
y Kachari, Naga etc.,
Angami, and Lotha have recorded more than 80 per cent c
hildren (5-14) attending
school/ educational institutions in 2001.  
The HORNBILL, Festival conceived by the Tourist Department and held in
==Work Participation Rate (WPR)==
the first week of December is an annual event where all tribes of Nagaland come
together to celebrate, exhibit and sell their traditional wares, foodstuffs and crafts.
Three traditional festivals, namely Sekrenyi at Touphema in Kohima District
(February), Monyu all at Pongo in Longleng Sub-division (April) and Moatsii at
Chuchuyimlang in Mokokchung district (May) have been identified as festival
Music and dances are an intrinsic part of Naga life. Folk Songs and ballads
10. Among the STs, 42.3 per cent of the population ha
eulogizing bravery, beauty, love, generosity, etc. are transmitted from generation to
s been recorded as
generation. Likewise dancing is an important part of every festive occasion. Feasting,
workers. Gender-wise, the female WPR at 40.1 per cen
singing, dancing and merrymaking invariably accompany festivals. Names of the
t is a little lower than male
tribes and their festivals are : -Angami-Sekrenyi, Ao-Moatsii, Chakhesang-
(44.5%). There is no noticeable disparity among the d
Sukhrunye & Tsiiukhenye, Chang-Naknyulem, Khiamnilungan-Tsokiim, Kuki-
ifferent STs with regard to
Mimkut, Konyak-Aoleang Monyu, Kachari-Bushu, Lotha-Tokhu Emong, Phom-
Monyu, Pochury Yemshe, Rengma-Ngada, Sumi-Tuluni, Sangiam-Amongmong,
Yimchungriiu-Metemneo, and Zeliang Meileingi/Hega Langsimngi/Chegagadi.
11. Of the total workers among the STs, 82.2 per cent
have been reported as
main workers and 17.8 per cent as marginal workers. T
he percentage of female
main workers at 78.1 per cent is slightly lower than mal
e (85.8%). This speaks for
almost equitable male-female participation in economi
c pursuits.
The process of industrialisation in the State is in its infancy, but the need to have
==Category of Workers==
more industries has been well recognized. Nagaland Mechanised Bricks Co. Ltd.,
12. Among main workers, an overwhelming 72.7 per cent
in Dimapur with one lakh capacity of bricks per day has been commissioned.
of the ST population
has been recorded as cultivator. A significant perce
ntage of main workers (15.5%)
are engaged in ‘manufacturing and repairs’ work.  
Handloom and Handicrafts are important cottage industries, which are mainly being
==Marital Status and Fertility==
managed by cooperative societies. The Nagaland Handloom and Handicrafts
13.The distribution of ST population by marital sta
Development Corporation Ltd. in Dimapur is the state owned corporation, which
tus shows that 65.3 per cent
is responsible for the promotion and marketing of handloom and handicraft products
is never married, 32.4 per cent currently married, 1.8
in the state. An industrial growth centre at Ganeshnagar near Dimapur is ready for
per cent widowed, and 0.5
per cent divorced & separated.  
The Nagaland Industrial Development Corporation is the premier promotional
14. Merely 1.5 per cent of the ST female population
organisation in providing guidance and capital assistance to entrepreneurs. The
below 18 years – the legal
fruits and vegetables processing and cold storage plant at Dimapur has an installed
age for marriage – has been recorded as ever marrie
capacity of processing 5 MT of fruits and vegetables per day and 3000 MT cold
d. The percentage of ever
storage facility.
married ST male below 21 years at 1.2 per cent is al
so low.  
15. Among STs, the average number of children ever
born per ever married
woman in the age group 45-49 years is just over five.There are skewed variations
among the seventeen Naga sub-tribes. Among Angami, Ao,
and Khiemnungan it
less than five, while among the Rengma and Chang it is e
xceeding six.
Governor : Shri Nikhil Kumar
16. The majority of the ST population of Nagaland is
Christians. In 2001
Census, 98.5 per cent of the ST population has returned
as Christians.
=See also=
Indpaedia’s several pages about Nagaland include:
Chief Secretary : Shri Lalthara
Chief Minister : Shri Neiphiu Rio
[[Nagaland: Cinema]]
Jurisdiction of High Court: Falls under Guwahati High Court.
[[Nagaland: cuisine]]
There is a bench at Kohima.
[[Nagaland: Insurgency]]
S. No. District Area (sq km) Population Headquarters
[[Nagaland: Political history ]] 
(Prov. Census 2011)
[[Nagaland: Parliamentary elections]]
1. Kohima 3,114 3,14,366 Kohima
[[Miss Nagaland]]
2. Mokokchung 1,615 2,27,230 Mokokchung
3. Mon 1,786 2,59,604 Mon
4. Tuensang 4,228 4,14,801 Tuemsang
5. Zunheboto 1,255 1,54,909 Zunheboto
6. Wokha 1,628 1,61,098 Wokha
7. Dimapur 927 3,08,382 Dimapur
8. Phek 2,026 1,48,246 Phek
9. Longleng - - Longieng
10. Kiphise - - Kiphire
11. Peren - - Peren

Latest revision as of 21:49, 6 July 2018

This article has been sourced from an authoritative, official
publication. Therefore, it has been ‘locked’ and will never be
thrown open to readers to edit or comment on.

After the formal launch of their online archival encyclopædia,
readers who wish to update or add further details can do so on
a ‘Part II’ of this article.


[edit] The source of this section

INDIA 2012


Compiled by





[edit] Nagaland

Area : 16,579 sq km

Population : 19,80,602 (Prov. Census 2011)

Capital : Kohima

Principal Languages : English, Hindi and 16 tribal Dialects

[edit] History And Geography

Nagaland, the 16th State of the Indian Union, was established on 1 December 1963. It is bound by Myanmar on the east, Arunachal on the north, Assam on the west and Manipur on the South. It lies between the parallels of 98 degree and 96 degree East Longitude and 26.6 degree and 27.4 degree latitude North of the Equator.

The State of Nagaland has an area of 16,579 sq km with a population of 19,88,636 as per the 2001 census. The State is mostly mountainous except those areas bordering Assam valley. Mount Saramati is the highest peak in Nagaland with a height of 3,840 meters and its range forms a natural barrier between Nagaland and Myanmar.

The Nagas belong to the Indo-Mongoloid group of people living in the contiguous areas of the North Eastern hills of India and the upper portion of Western Myanmar. The major-recognised tribes of Nagaland are Angami, Ao, Chakhesang, Chang, Khiamniungan, Kuki, Konyak, Lotha, Phom, Pochury, Rengma, Sangtam, Sumi, Yimchungru and Zeliang. The Naga languages differ from tribe to tribe and sometimes even from one village to another. They are, however, under the Tibeto- Burma family.

In the 12th and 13th centuries, gradual contacts with the Ahoms of present -day Assam was established but this did not have any significant impact on the traditional Naga way of life. However, in the 19th Century the British appeared on the scene and ultimately the area was brought under British Administration. After Independence this territory was made a centrally administered area in 1957 administered.

[edit] Nagaland: The Scheduled Tribes Census Of India 2001


The population of Nagaland in 2001 Census has been 1,99 0,036. Of these, 1,774,026 are Scheduled Tribes (STs) constituting 89. 1 per cent of the total population of the state. The State has registered dec adal growth of 67.2 per cent in ST population in 1991-2001. Nagaland has five communit ies notified as STs. These are Garo, Kachari, Kuki, Mikir, and Naga.

2. Naga is a generic name for several groups, each ha ving distinct identity. In 1971 Census, figures of sixteen Naga sub-tribes were given separately for the first time. They were: (i) Angami, (ii) Ao, (iii) Chakhesa ng, (iv) Chang, (v) Chirr, (vi) Khiemnungan, (vii) Konyak, (viii) Lotha, (ix) Makware, (x) Phom, (xi) Rengma, (xii) Sangtam, (xiii) Sema, (xiv) Tikhir, (xv) Yimc hungre, and (xvi) Zeliang.

Subsequently, in 1991 Census, Pochury Naga was added and their number shown separately. In 2001 Census, no population of Makware has been returned. Instead, sizeable population has returned either as ‘Naga’ or as sub-tribes other than the seventeen Naga sub-tribes hitherto published in Census. These have been thus separately grouped under ‘Naga’ and ‘Unclassified Nag as’ respectively. Total Naga population in the state thus includes population of all Naga sub-tribes as well as ‘Naga’ and ‘Unclassified Nagas’ (Statement-1)


[edit] Population: Size and Distribution

3. Of the five communities notified as STs in Nagala nd, the Naga constitutes 98.2 per cent. Sema, Konyak, Ao, Lotha, Chakhesang, Angam i, Phom, etc. are major Naga sub-tribes, each having more than one lakh population as per 2001 Census. Kuki is the second largest ST having only 1.1 per cent of the state’s total ST population. Kachari and Garo account for less than one per cent. Mikir is the smallest among STs in the state; only 106 persons of Mikir have been returned at 2001 Census.


4. Majority of the ST population (87%) lives in rura l areas. Of the seventeen Naga sub-tribes, Lotha, Ao, Angami, and Chang, each h ave more than 16 per cent urban residents. On the other hand, Tikhir, Phom, Pochury , and Zeliang are having less than 5 per cent urban population. Lotha is the most urbanized tribe with 28.8 per cent urban population, while Tikhir is the least urbanized (0.6%).

[edit] Sex Ratio

5. As per 2001 Census, sex ratio of total ST popula tion is 943. Among the Naga sub-tribes, females outnumbered males in Angami (1004). Besides, nine (9) other tribes have sex ratio above 950. Among the sub- groups of Naga having more than one lakh population in 2001, Phom has recorded low sex ratio of 891.

6. Child sex ratio (0-6 age group) of tribal popul ation of the state is 969 and 18 tribes including Naga sub-tribes have recorded 950 or above child sex ratio. Tikhir has recorded very low child sex ratio of 831.

[edit] Literacy and Educational level

7. As per 2001 Census, 66 per cent of the total ST p opulation is literate, with male and female literacy at 70.3 and 61.3 per cent re spectively. The percentage of literates among Naga is 65.8 per cent. Wide dispari ty is discerned among the seventeen Naga sub-tribes. For example, Ao is at the top with literacy rate of 85.9 per cent, while Konyak is at the bottom with literacy rate of 40.2 per cent.

8. Among the ST literates, 23.5 per cent are either w ithout educational level or have below primary level education. Primary level of literates account for 28 per cent while 15 per cent have attained Matric/ Seconda ry level education. 9. 68.3 per cent of the ST population in the age group 5-14 has been attending educational institutes in 2001 Census. Four tribes namel y Kachari, Naga etc., Angami, and Lotha have recorded more than 80 per cent c hildren (5-14) attending school/ educational institutions in 2001.

[edit] Work Participation Rate (WPR)

10. Among the STs, 42.3 per cent of the population ha s been recorded as workers. Gender-wise, the female WPR at 40.1 per cen t is a little lower than male (44.5%). There is no noticeable disparity among the d ifferent STs with regard to WPR.


11. Of the total workers among the STs, 82.2 per cent have been reported as main workers and 17.8 per cent as marginal workers. T he percentage of female main workers at 78.1 per cent is slightly lower than mal e (85.8%). This speaks for almost equitable male-female participation in economi c pursuits.

[edit] Category of Workers

12. Among main workers, an overwhelming 72.7 per cent of the ST population has been recorded as cultivator. A significant perce ntage of main workers (15.5%) are engaged in ‘manufacturing and repairs’ work.

[edit] Marital Status and Fertility

13.The distribution of ST population by marital sta tus shows that 65.3 per cent is never married, 32.4 per cent currently married, 1.8 per cent widowed, and 0.5 per cent divorced & separated.

14. Merely 1.5 per cent of the ST female population below 18 years – the legal age for marriage – has been recorded as ever marrie d. The percentage of ever married ST male below 21 years at 1.2 per cent is al so low.

15. Among STs, the average number of children ever born per ever married woman in the age group 45-49 years is just over five.There are skewed variations among the seventeen Naga sub-tribes. Among Angami, Ao, and Khiemnungan it less than five, while among the Rengma and Chang it is e xceeding six.

[edit] Religion

16. The majority of the ST population of Nagaland is Christians. In 2001 Census, 98.5 per cent of the ST population has returned as Christians.

[edit] See also

Indpaedia’s several pages about Nagaland include:


Nagaland: Cinema

Nagaland: cuisine

Nagaland: Insurgency

Nagaland: Political history

Nagaland: Parliamentary elections

Miss Nagaland

Personal tools
