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Aswn's list of 'Tamil Heroines'


Leggy babe Anjena has made a mark in South Indian cinema in a very short time. She is pretty as well as talented.

M Suganth, The Times of India The Times of India


Anjena comes from a cinema family. Her father Ravi is an award-winning editor in Malayalam cinema and her mother Swapna too is part of the industry. However, her parents were not interested in letting her pursue acting as a career. Anjena was not allowed to enter films. So, she worked as a flight attendant for two years and lived abroad.

However, films were a passion and after many tantrums, they finally let her act; later her parents are totally supportive of her career.

Though she is a Malayali, Anjena maintains that she is very much a Chennai girl.

Her films

Kaanagam is a romantic thriller in which she plays a millionaire's daughter.

I-Naa a globe-trotting thriller shot in six countries, has her play a fearless agency reporter, who is something of a Bond girl. (Directed by Ravindar Chandrasekaran of Libra Productions)


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