Miss India contests: History

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Please also combine this with other articles on exactly the same subject<br/ and plug the gaps, especially about the earlier years, <br from which photographs and biographical details are not available. <br We know that our readers will not post anything or photographs that lower the dignity of these beauty queens.

See examples and a tutorial.

Sources: daum I AM She indianautographs mid-day Missindiaworlduniverse Missosology missosology missosology oocities pageantopolissabrebiade southdreamz The Times of India The Times of India The Times of India The Times of India The Times of India Arunima Mazumdar & Richa Barua The Times of India The Times of India Voy.com

Related articles on Indpaedia: Miss India contests: History Miss India contests: Behind the scenes Miss India winners: 1947-58 Miss Ind1a winners: 1959-61 Miss India winners: 1962-65 Miss India winners: 1966 Miss India winners: 1967-69 Miss India winners: 1970-72 Miss India winners: 1973-75 Miss India winners: 1976-78 Miss India winners: 1979-81 Miss India winners: 1982-84 Miss India winners: 1985-87 Miss India winners: 1988-90 Miss India winners: 1991-93 Miss India winners: 1994 Miss India winners: 1995-97 Miss India winners: 1998-99 Miss India winners: 2000Miss India winners: 2001-3 Miss India winners: 2004-06 Miss India winners: 2007-09 Miss India winners: 2010-12 Miss India winners: 2013-15

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